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If the Táiniste has Broken his Own Guidelines He needs to Follow Phill Hogan’s Example - Tóibín

Responding to reports of that the Tainiste attended a private party hosted by Katherine Zappone contrary to public guidelines Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín TD stated;


“This is an incredible situation. Right now not all partners are allowed attend births and key maternity appointments with mothers. Children around the country are being denied 1st Holy Communions & Confirmations. Funerals and weddings remain restricted. Hospitality business are hamstrung by severe restraints, controls and curbs. This is having a massive effect on their ability and their workers ability to make a living. Indeed many hundreds of restaurants and bars have remained shut. The government has introduced some of the most draconian legislation in the history of the state and anywhere in Europe including discriminating against citizens on the basis of if they have taken a vaccine.”


“Yet the Táiniste Leo Varadkar sees fit to attend a social event with 50 guests organised by Katherine Zappone before his Government gifts her a plum job. This is a jaw dropping mix of hypocrisy and cronyism. This is the behaviour of a ruling elite that are telling citizens ‘do as I say and not as I do’.   The Fáilte Ireland’s guidelines for hotels and guest houses clearly state that “organised events, indoor and outdoor, are not permitted” unless they are weddings or “non-social meetings, training and educational programmes considered essential to the operation of a business”. Clearly the Zappone social event does not fall into this situation”.


“There is a clear precedent here. Phill Hogan and Dara Calleary both fell on their swords when they broke Covid guidelines. Indeed the Táiniste himself was not shy in telling Hogan that he had to go. Leo told Hogan ‘to consider his position’. Fine Gael removed the whip from three senators for attending Golfgate. After the leaking of a confidential report to a friend, if the Táiniste refuses the same fate for himself that he dictated to Hogan, Calleary and the FG Senators, it will prove that the rules don’t apply to him”.    

By Aontú Press | 4 August, 2021

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Respectful opposition is not the enemy. Respectful opposition is a critical element of a functional democracy. Aontú will have the backbone to stand up, without fear, for you.