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Westminster 2024



This year, Aontú is running ten candidates for the Wesminster Parliament.  The aims of our candidates are simple; to restore common sense when it comes to isues of concern for our country, and to restore powers to Ireland over Irish affairs.

South Antrim - Siobhán McERLEAN

Siobhán McErlean is a married mum of 4 kids aged 11 to 16.  She is a health visitor and previously worked in a busy neonatal unit.
Siobhán has always tried her best to be as active as possible in her local area.  Having recently completed MIDAS training, she is qualified to volunteer for community transport. Siobhán sits on the committee of her local
community centre and she’s parent rep on the board of governors at her local primary school.
Siobhán is passionate about supporting organ donation and was delighted to attend Stormont for the launch Of Daithi’s Law last
year. Siobhán McErlean became a living donor in 2021 when she donated a kidney.

South Down - Rosemary MCGLONE

A nationalist and human rights activist. Rosemary McGlone is a teacher in a secondary school in Belfast and a mother to four young children. Like many Nationalists, Rosemary felt no longer represented by SF or the SDLP. Rather than let herself be disenfranchised with no one to vote for, Rosemary has taken a step forward so that people like her might have a voice.

Like so many, Rosemary has been frustrated by Nationalist parties in the North who have abandoned their communities and supported
discriminatory policies. The final straw came for Rosemary when Sinn Féin and SDLP MLAs voted for abortion up until birth for
children with disabilities. Rosemary McGlone also opposes the de-prioritisation in funding of hundreds of local schools that is contained in the Integrated Education Bill.

North Antrim - Ráichéal MHIC NIOCAILL

Ráichéal is a mother of two children and is a teacher within the Irish Medium Sector. Having come through Irish medium education, Ráichéal is a strong advocate of the language and culture and believes that investment in the education of our children is an investment in our future.
Having witnessed first-hand the effects of Tory cuts on our children, Ráichéal believes tax powers must be devolved to Stormont. A government not elected by the people here should not have control of our finances. Ráichéal believes in the implementation of affordable childcare here in the North. This would include a reform of our childcare system and an
introduction of a childcare strategy. As an abstentionist, Ráichéal will not take her seat in Westminster, but campaign for powers to be transferred to Stormont. She will not lobby for foreign MPs to legislate for us, as some so-called Republicans have
done in the past. Laws are best made locally. Vótáil Ráichéal Mhic Niocaill in North Antrim.

Newry and Armagh - Liam REICHENBERG

I am a husband, father of five, and a retail manager from Aughanduff. With a degree in history and politics I have always had a keen interest in current affairs and have been politically active from an early age. At university in Dublin, I campaigned against political censorship, the removal of articles 2 & 3 of the Irish Constitution, for justice for those imprisoned and for victims of the Troubles.
More recently I have campaigned on issues of education, healthcare, transportation, the provision of high-speed broadband, and the state of
our roads. I served three terms on the board of governors at St Mary’s PS, Mullaghbawn and am in my second term on the Board of St. Joseph’s HS, Crossmaglen. I am on the Ard Chomhairle (National Board) of Aontú.

If elected, and in the context of legislation proposed by Aontú in Dáil Éireann, I would demand a seat in Dublin
to represent the interests of Newry & Armagh, locally, nationally, and globally.

West Tyrone - Leza HOUSTON

Leza is a mother of five young children and owing to this, she understands the joys and challenges faced by families in the North of Ireland and she advocates for policies that support families, from affordable childcare to the importance of SEN provision in schools. She is particularly passionate about children’s rights and improving opportunities and access to services for children in her area.

As a firm Pro-life advocate, Leza will advocate for policies that protect life of the unborn, while supporting women’s health and wellbeing.
She seeks to widen the scope of non-violent choices for women, ensuring women experiencing crisis pregnancies feel that they have
more options than to simply struggle throughout life, or have an abortion.
Leza is a strong environmental activist and proud Irishwoman.  She will work to preserve our natural resources and encourage respect for and protection of our beautiful Island through promoting sustainable practices.

Foyle - John BOYLE

Hello, my name is John Boyle, and I am honoured to introduce myself as the Aontú candidate for Foyle in the upcoming General Election. I am dedicated to community service and championing the rights and welfare of everyone. Currently, I work for an all-Ireland non-profit organisation which advocates for human rights. This role has afforded me with practical experience in standing up for human dignity and equality, for which I am
Before my current role, I spent five years running a small business, which granted me with valuable insight into the challenges faced by many local
businesses. This experience fuels my passion for promoting economic development and supporting small business, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities needed to thrive.
I believe that a robust economy is the backbone of a prosperouscommunity.

Belfast West - Gerard HERDMAN

Gerard Herdman is a native of West Belfast. He has four children and four grandchildren and currently works as a plumbing tutor.
Having lived in the area through the dark days of the Troubles he is well aware of how the community has suffered at the hands of British forces and the lingering after-effects both mentally and economically.
Gerard has seen these problems exacerbated by poor political choices that has left many of its people in poverty and short of local
employment. Aontú’s principled stand on difficult issues spurred him toward making a stand and he was delighted to be chosen as the party’s representative for the `West’.

East Derry - Gemma BROLLY

Gemma is mother to four children, an Irish medium teacher, Special Needs Co-ordinator and wife of a local farmer and tradesman from Ballerin, Co. Derry. Gemma Brolly is a dedicated community activist. Gemma is the Deputy Leader of Aontú. She is the Chairperson and a founding member of SOS Causeway Hospital. This campaign has fought to protect key services in our hospital.
Gemma is also a founding member of the community group ‘Kilrea Together’ and ‘Parents Together’ which supports parents of children
with medical and/or educational needs. Gemma is a keen supporter of Hare’s Cooperative.
As an educator, Gemma is passionate about education, inside and outside the classroom. She has served as the North of Ireland
Youth President of St. Vincent de Paul for five years, working to combat poverty and social injustice.

Fermanagh and South Tyrone - Carl DUFFY

Carl is a freelance journalist and has a keen interest in writing about local politics. He is an Enniskillen native who has a passion for
helping others. Carl firmly believes that partition undermines democracy and has written passionately about arguments in favour of Irish reunification.
This is the primary reason Carl joined Aontú as he views them as the best placed party to protect human rights and democracy within

Mid Ulster - Alix HALLIDAY

Alixandra Halliday is a mother of four, graduate of the North West Regional College and holds a Honours BA degree from the
University of Ulster. Alixandra is a committed human rights and community activist, deeply critical of the neglect of Mid Ulster by
Despite electing the First Minister, Mid Ulster has not had the investment in jobs, housing and infrastructure that we are entitled to. Families are suffering financially, be it in terms of the cost of fuel, the cost of electricity and the cost
of food. Alixandra will lead the fight to reduce VAT and Excise Duties, for investment in Mid Ulster, and to stand up for human rights for all.

The Irish political system is radically broken

In Ireland the vast majority of elected representatives put a finger in the air to check which way the political wind is blowing. They have one eye on their leaders – seeking brownie points – and another eye keeping their seat safe. If elected reps shut up and do as they’re told, they are promoted; if they stand up for what they believe in, they are demoted. No wonder we have the political class we have. No wonder one point one billion euro is being buried in a hole under the National Children’s Hospital and that Stormont is in stalemate.

Throughout Ireland, many people are now afraid to say what they feel, many are afraid to respectfully engage on a range of different topics. Many feel there is a new censorship and a new political correctness in Ireland, that opposition to the establishment is being deleted.

Respectful opposition is not the enemy. Respectful opposition is a critical element of a functional democracy. Aontú will have the backbone to stand up, without fear, for you.