Moves by Ryanair to digitise its boarding passes is a deeply retrograde move which will cause undue stress to many passengers.
That’s according to Aontú’s Cavan Monaghan General Election candidate Cllr Sarah O’Reilly who says “This is slowly but surely eroding people’s choice. If this goes ahead as planned, customers will have no option but to download apps to their phones. Not everybody has or indeed wants a Smartphone”.
“This proposal is hugely discommoding and often very stressful for elderly people and further disenfranchises this demographic. However, I have to say it’s not just elderly people who have an aversion to technology, lots of people do and this is adding a huge unnecessary layer to travelling, which has already become so stressful”.
“Also, this move to digital raises so many questions; what is somebody doesn’t have a have a smart phone or indeed any phone, what if they lose their phone, what happens if their phone isn’t charged. If you mislay it what happens if the internet is down”.
“Also, many international airports don’t accept digital boarding passes which is potentially incredibly problematic and worrying for passengers”.
“. Has this been thought out all”?
“I’m not saying that those who don’t wish to use digital to board shouldn’t, of course they should. It’s just that I would like those who don’t to have the choice to use a paper boarding pass”.
“Aontú is writing to the company in a bid to encourage them to change their mind about this planned move in the interests of fairness to all passengers”.