A Mayo Councillor is calling on the council to invite the Minister for Education to attend a special meeting to discuss on going school bus transport issues in the county.
Aontú Cllr Paul Lawless said
“I ‘ve a motion down for Monday’s meeting of the council (14th October) as this issue is going on for far too long. Many students are left without transport to school while half-empty buses pass by, causing major difficulties to families. It’s unacceptable and ultimately Norma Foley has to be made accountable for this fiasco”.
“The stress and strain is terrible for parents, many of whom have to totally rejig their work arrangements to try and bring their children to school themselves. Given Norma Foley is part of a coalition Government that is constantly extolling the benefits of public transport, this would be funny if it wasn’t so serious”.
“This happens year after year, and the Minister is not held accountable. It’s incredible, no planning, no joined up thinking whatsoever. If this was a private sector worker she or he would be sacked” .
“Well, I think it’s high time she was questioned on this issue which is causing such upheaval in the lives of people just trying to get their kids to school”.
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