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Aontú Welcomes Minister's Stance on Inappropiate SPHE Content - Tóibín

Leader of Aontú Deputy Peadar Tóibín has today  (9TH October 2024) welcomed a Midlands FF TD’s opposition to the material on the  new SPHE  curriculum , asking the Minister for Education to immediately withdraw it branding it a “total disgrace”.

Fianna Fail Laois Offaly Deputy Sean Fleming made his comments in light of controversy that has surrounded the content of the SPHE curriculum following disclosures by a former teacher of its graphic and expressly over sexualised material.

Deputy Fleming says “I personally viewed the video myself. I am totally against and appalled by the inclusion of some of the material contained in the teachers’ training course as part of the SPHE curriculum. I have spoken directly with the Minister for Education, Norma Foley  on this matter, and I've asked her to withdraw all such material immediately”.

“It's a total disgrace and no material of this explicit nature should ever be shown or discussed in schools with young boys and girls. It is totally over the top and should never be considered as part of the SPH curriculum. Many people have been in touch with me about this matter and I share their outrage and concerns”.

Aontú’s Peadar Toibin says

“Once again Aontú has been the only party that has raised its head above the parapet on this issue and had the guts to challenge the Minister on the graphic content contained in this material aimed at young people from 12 years of age”. “We tabled a number of PQ’s to her office raising serious questions that are yet to be answered.  The content on this curriculum is clearly not suitable for young people  and totally  age inappropriate”

“One of the most disturbing aspects of this entire situation has been the apparent encouragement of pupils not to disclose to their parents the content in this curriculum, that to me is simply unconscionable and goes against everything young people are taught. They have to be open with their parents and guardians and encouraging them not to be is adopting the worst of the past”.

“Obviously children and young people need to be taught about sex education, they need to be taught about consent, they need to be taught about safety ,but this material coupled with the videos was over sexualised in the extreme. I’m glad that Deputy Fleming has seen fit to share our concerns in Aontú and come out and condemn it”.

“Hopefully his colleague Minister Foley will follow suit”.


By Aontú Press | 10 October, 2024

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