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Household Energy Credit Needs to be Increased Immediately - Nelligan

The Aontú representative for Castletroy, Eric Nelligan, is calling on the Government to announce an immediate and substantial increase to the Household Energy Credit to offer hope and financial aid after the recent cold spell which saw temperatures drop to -9 degrees in some parts of the country.

Speaking today said Mr Nelligan ‘’The recent ten-day freezing cold spell will see the next energy bill for every single household in the country significantly increase, I did a quick tot of my Gas meter today as the cold spell came to an end, the next Bill I receive will be close to 3 times the equivalent 2021 Bill.’’

Mr Nelligan continued ‘’Every household is eligible for the €200 electricity credit to help offset the multiple increases in the cost of gas and electricity over the past year, If the government agrees to the Aontú call to offer relief to families and households all over the country it must act now and not dawdle. The chance to increase the second installment passed on the 20th of December, the only relief payment that can be increased now is the final payment, the end date for increasing this payment is the 27th February 2023.’’

“Met Eireann data show that January and February are the coldest months in Ireland, we have the most challenging months ahead of us and already many people, especially old people, will be wondering if they can keep the heating on to satisfy their basic needs, anything other than doubling the final household payment from the current €200 credit to a once off €400 sum will not be acceptable. Government policies played a significant part in the high prices we currently are charged by the companies, the least the Government can do is for them to accept the Aontú proposal”. concluded Mr Nelligan.


By Aontú Press | 22 December, 2022

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