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Aontú is preparing for a General Election in the north of Ireland.

Aontú is preparing for a General Election in the north of Ireland.

In the context of escalating political turmoil in Westminster and rising likelihood of an election, Aontú has begun the process to select candidates for election.

An Teachta Peadar Tóibín stated:

"Given the increasing likelihood of a general election in the context of the mounting chaos in the British Parliament, Aontú has made a decision to begin to select candidates for the six counties.

"Aontú is determined to advance the causes of economic justice, Irish unity, employment, regional development and the right to life."

“Aontú is a brand new party not 9 months old. We have 6 elected representatives so far, 2,000 members and 66 functioning cumann. Many people are deeply frustrated with Sinn Féin’s and the SDLP's change of direction in recent years. Both nationalist parties have forgotten about the bread and butter issues facing the people of the north and distracted by identity politics. Sinn Fén have gone so far as to begin to welcome Westminster directly legislating for the north of Ireland.

"This will be a pivotal election, the teeth of Brexit, at a time when so many people are in economic hardship and when London and Sinn Féin are seeking to introduce extreme abortion legislation.

"We will target up to 5 constituencies and stand in other constituencies in order to build the movement. Aontú currently has two Councillors, Dr Anne McCloskey in Foyle and Denise Mullen in Fermanagh-South Tyrone. We also seek to build in West Belfast and Newry & Armagh where we did very well in the local elections.

"Aontú is considering running in Fermanagh-South Tyrone and will make a decision in the next few weeks. We are open to discuss election cooperation with other like-minded parties in certain constituencies if its beneficial to Aontú’s political objectives."

Aontú will hold a public meeting in Denvir's Inn, English St, Downpatrick, Co Down tonight at 7:30pm as part of series of public meetings across the north. Peadar Tóibín will address the meeting.


By Aontú Press | 5 September, 2019

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