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"North South Interconnector Must be Undergrounded" - Cllr Denise Mullen

The Minister for Environment has confirmed to Aontú Leader Peadar Tóibín TD in the Dáil this week that the EU Commission is currently considering the North-South Interconnector for inclusion in the 'Projects of Common Interest' list which is to be published later this year, despite a previous decision not to include it in the most recent PCI list.

The political party Aontú have said that the Irish government should simply drop it, rather than continuing to pursue the matter, despite the commission’s previous concerns and decision.

Aontú Councillor for Mid-Ulster, Cllr. Denise Mullen, today said:

"The Interconnector must be undergrounded, it cannot proceed any other way, as far as I'm concerned. An over-grounded interconnector would fly in the face of what border communities want. We do not want 409 pylons built through our communities".

Cllr Mullen continued: “Pylons over 50 metres talk and carrying 400,000 V of electricity through them will pose serious problems for our communities. In tourism, agriculture, and health concerns. Already since the project was announced, we’ve seen its tangible impact on property prices. This project is unnecessary and unwanted.”

“The construction of the North-south Interconnector underground is the only way forward. Aontú will work with the department in Dublin, and also with the European Commission to ensure that both entities understand that undergrounding the cables is the only way to go", concluded Cllr Mullen.



By Aontú Press | 18 May, 2023

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