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Driving Test Backlog Another Bi-Product of Government Restrictions

Aontú Leader & Meath West TD Peadar Tóibín has called on the government to properly address the backlog and waiting lists for driving tests, which is yet another preventable bi-product of government-imposed restrictions.

An Teachta Tóibín:

“Waiting lists and backlogs for driving tests are staggering. One constituent I spoke to, hasn’t received a date for her driving test despite booking a test in September 2020. When she tried to find out more, she was told she would be lucky to receive a test date by the end of 2021. Another constituent I spoke to booked his theory test in October 2020, and has seen it cancelled no less than four times, with the latest theory test date set for June 2021. Government restrictions are adding months and years to people’s wait to get driving. As of March 2021, the Oireachtas Transport Committee was told there were over 98,000 people waiting on a driving test and 54,000 waiting on a Theory test. The average wait time for a test in 2020 was 6 weeks, in 2021 it is 25 weeks. The RSA have stated that the existing six-month backlog may not be cleared until 2022. That is without even factoring in the thousands who will apply in the coming weeks and months – joining the back of a very long queue.”

“This of course particularly hurts rural communities where public transport routes are nowhere near what they should be. In large swathes of rural Ireland, the only means of transportation is by car. Now thanks to government policies, this mode of transport is heavily delayed. This will have a damaging effect on communities, businesses and families in these areas. In Dublin, this isn’t an issue because of public transport. Yet when you go outside Dublin, the cost of this government policy is laid bare."

By Aontú Press | 27 April, 2021

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Respectful opposition is not the enemy. Respectful opposition is a critical element of a functional democracy. Aontú will have the backbone to stand up, without fear, for you.