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Young People Must be Educated on Horrors of Drug Trade

Ógra Aontú have called for young people in secondary schools to be educated on the horrors of the drug trade.

Speaking today, spokesperson for the group, Brandon Scott, a 26-year-old journalist, said:
"We in Ógra Aontú are becoming increasingly alarmed at the rise in casual drug use among people of our own age. Drugs are now being taken in every town across the island, and it seems many of those using drugs are flippant about it and don't give the matter much consideration. We would urge people to think about the consequences of their actions when they are offered drugs on a night out".

Brandon continued: "The drug trade is an illegal, viscous and merciless industry which sees people trafficked, tortured, imprisoned and threatened on a daily basis in Ireland. Oftentimes it begins with someone using drug casually, then they become addicted and find themselves in serious debt to the dealers, in such cases their vulnerability is often capitalised upon and they are recruited to work for the dealer as a means to pay back the debt they owe".

"Its now becoming common in Ireland that if an individual gets arrested or imprisoned for the sale of drugs at the lower end of the chain, their families and loved ones are being threatened to pay back the debt, or to ensure that the person arrested doesn't 'tout' on the other dealers. Young people in secondary school should not only be taught about the dangers of drugs to their health, but of the consequences of them purchasing drugs on nights out - on the lives behind the scenes in the drug chain which are ruined as a result of the recent surge in demand for drugs", concluded Brandon.

By Aontú Press | 15 October, 2024

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