A Dublin Cllr is urging the Dept of Health to publish a comprehensive national register of defibrillator locations across the country.
Calling this a “simple yet crucial step that has the potential to save lives across the country”, Aontú Cllr Ellen Troy, a candidate in Dublin West Constituency in the upcoming General Election says, “This would be a logical move in a country where heart disease is one of the leading causes of death”.
She says,
“There are thousands of defibrillators located throughout Ireland, well over 3,000, but generally people haven’t a clue as to where they actually are. Many local communities have done incredible work by buying these machines and training people to use them, but in the main the wider public are in the dark as to where they’re located”.
“Time is of the essence in an emergency and in the case of cardiac arrests it is absolutely crucial that people get access to defibrillators immediately as they are literally lifesaving”.
“Sudden cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death in Ireland, with survival rates significantly improving when defibrillators are used promptly”.
“A national register of defibrillators would provide a centralised database, ensuring that these devices can be quickly located and used in emergencies”.
“Publishing a national register detailing where defibrillators are located is a straightforward and cost-effective measure that can make a significant difference in emergency situations.
“I believe it is a vital step towards a safer and healthier Ireland and Aontú is calling on the Government to act now and implement this initiative which has the potential to save so many lives.”