Today is a wonderful day for Human Rights & Democracy - Tóibín
Aontú leader and Meath West TD joined with hundreds of thousands of other Irish people in welcoming the decision of the American Supreme Court to allow Americans citizens decide democratically what laws should exist when it comes to abortion and also to allow states protect the Human Right to Life of everyone. Tóibín stated; “Today is a wonderful day for Human Rights and Democracy. It is the start, I hope, of a more humane and compassionate society all around the world. I believe that future enlightened generations will view this landmark case it in the same light as we view the emancipation of African American slaves”.
“Every human being in Ireland has the human right to life, except unborn individual living human beings. Human Rights are by definition universal. Denying them to a section of humanity, the most vulnerable and weakest in society, is an injustice. We all live under the same sky and we are all responsible for each other. We need to have compassion for everyone no matter how small or how weak they are. We need to show love and protect those who can’t protect themselves”.
“Right now in Ireland women are forced to give birth homeless, but the government will guarantee mothers the price of an abortion. So called Pro Choice TDs support policies that make mothers feel that they have no choice at all. The Committee on the 8th Amendment heard that 85% of abortions happen because of Socio- Economic reasons. We need as a society to give mothers real and positive choices. That means providing the necessary socio economic supports to be able to raise their children to their full potential. We need to guarantee to mothers access to housing, to childcare, to a collocated maternity hospital that protects the lives of mothers. There have been 23,000 abortion in Ireland in 3 years. That’s equivalent to 900 class rooms of children who are no longer here with us today as a result of the abortion law and the government’s indifference to young women. After all the talk of the referendum to protect mothers, the economic outlook for many mothers is worse then ever.
Ireland often trails behind the US on social issues. Ireland deregulated abortion 50 years after the US. Hopefully it won't take as long to guarantee everyone’s human rights here.