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The Crisis in Cavan Monaghan needs to be addressed urgently

The publication of shocking statistics via the Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting (CIDR) have shown that both Cavan and Monaghan are amongst worst affected areas by the spread of the Coronavirus. Statistics released by CIDR revealed that the cumulative incidence rates for Cavan and Monaghan are amongst the highest in the country. The cumulative incidence rate is calculated as the number of cases of Covid-19 divided by the total number of people at risk in a population within a specific time period.

Utilising data up until the 25th of April 2020, Cavan had the highest incident rate in the country with a rate of 799.5 incidences per 100’000 people – a rate significantly higher than even Dublin. Similarly, Monaghan has a very high incidence rate of 607.6 incidences per 100’000 people. Aontú Councillor Sarah O’Reilly has expressed shock and concern over the high incidence rates and the effect being had on communities in Cavan and Monaghan. Cllr O’Reilly has been vocal on the need for an all-Ireland approach to tackling Covid-19 and had accentuated previously the particular threat to border counties should an all-Ireland approach fail to be adopted. Ultimately, there is no one reason for the high rates of infection in Cavan and Monaghan, but certainly there is much that could have been done to prevent the high incidence rates of Covid-19 in these counties.

Cllr O’Reilly reaffirms the need for cross-border cooperation and harmonisation to address the threat of Covid-19, and asks the people of Cavan and Monaghan to keep complying with social distancing guidelines. Furthermore, the Irish government must step up and ensure that any resources required by frontline services in Cavan and Monaghan are met to help tackle the particular prevalence of the threat in these counties.


By Aontú Press | 30 April, 2020

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