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Sinn Féin already seeking to blame others for their loss of seats - Tóibín

Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín TD has said that he has been receiving messages from Sinn Féin members who are already seeking to blame Aontú for the loss of Sinn Féin seats in the upcoming Westminster election.

Responding to those messages, Deputy Peadar Tóibín stated:

“We have received a large number of messages from SF members who even at this early stage are blaming Aontú for the loss of Sinn Féin seats in the Westminster elections.

“Let us be clear. The Sinn Féin leadership have done this all by themselves. If Sinn Féin choose policies that alienate half of their electorate they cannot blame anyone else for the loss of votes and seats. Sinn Féin lost half of their councillors and two-thirds of their MEPs in the south's most recent elections.

"This happened because their new leadership has changed their party direction significantly with regards London rule, the right to life for everyone and importance of economic justice. If you flip on key issues you will do damage to your support base.

"Aontú will positively campaign for Oireachtas representation for northern MPs, we will campaign for  New Ireland Forum that will seek to ameliorate the worst excesses of Brexit, help build the All Ireland Economy and gather all of civic and political society in the 32 counties together to plan a United Ireland.

“We also seek to put bread and butter issues back on the political agenda. 300,000 people are in poverty in the north, 30,000 people received food parcels in the north last year, 11,000 people are waiting for a home. All this time we have the main political parties abstaining from Stormont while collecting £15 million.

“We will seek to protect the right to life of everyone in society and provide the economic supports necessary to make sure that all mothers have the confidence to raise their children."


By Aontú Press | 31 October, 2019

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