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NTA promises to review rail fares to Limerick to be reviewed - Cllr Sarah Beasley


A review of the rail fares for students travelling to Limerick from Galway is expected to be reviewed later this year under the national rollout of the National Fares Strategy.

Aontú Cllr Sarah Beasley has confirmed that the National Transport Authority, in response to a PQ to the Minister for Transport from her party Leader, Deputy Peadar Tóibín, has expressed its intent to conduct the review in light of ongoing criticism of high fares.

Cllr. Beasley says

"There are more and more students commuting to Limerick from Galway as they are being priced out of accommodations due to the ever-spiralling costs. However, they are being trapped in a vicious circle as the rail fares are scandalous. Currently, students have to fork out €175 for a monthly student ticket between the two cities, adults have to pay €350 and just one single ticket form Limerick to Galway is €18.40. I believe these fares are disproportionally expensive and do nothing to alleviate the cost-of-living pressure people are under or indeed go any way towards encouraging people to use public transport".

"I will continue to monitor this situation and urge the National Transport Authority to be cognisant of the need for reasonable, cost effective rail options which will actually provide real travel options for people".


For further information contact Cllr. Sarah Beasley 087 1941115

Aontú Constituency Clinic Limerick...10 Thomas Street ,Limerick

By Aontú Press | 17 June, 2024

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