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"NCT Permits Should Be Extended For Twelve Months Due to Testing System Delays" - Tóibín

"NCT Permits Should Be Extended For Twelve Months Due to Testing System Delays" - Tóibín


The Aontú leader, Peadar Tóibín has called for a year-long extension to all NCT certificates in light of considerable delays in the system. 


Speaking today, Deputy Tóibín said:


"My constituency offices are inundated with phone calls from people suffering delays with NCT tests. This spiralling delay is putting acute pressure on people across the country, who need the cars to drop their children to school and to work. Meanwhile the Road Safety Authority has confirmed to me in a letter that car traders enjoy considerable advantages when it comes to booking NCT tests, including the ability to manage and substitute vehicles for a periodic inspection and an unlimited number of retests, the ability to substitute a vehicle at no cost in advance of the test, the option to pay for multiple bookings at one time and the ability to add vehicles to a live cancellation list alongside a smother check-in process at a centre".


Deputy Tóibín continued: "I think we need to reform the system to ensure that road users who live in remote areas or rely completely on their cars for transport to school and work are prioritised when it comes to NCT tests. Aontú is also seeking a twelve month extension to all NCT certificates in light of the significant delays being experienced in the system. We need to keep in mind the fact that there are many parts of the country where there is no public transport whatsoever".


"The Government has sat idly by while commuters have been hammered for months now. Aontú research has shown that commuters have paid €1.2 billion at the M50 toll in just the last nine years. From increased car prices, increased fuel prices, increased repair, increased cost of toll bridges and servicing costs, this is just another hurdle in a string of issues squeezing commuters and its time we prioritise ordinary road users who need their cars and NCT permits in order to get to work or to the shop", concluded Tóibín.



By Aontú Press | 4 April, 2023

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