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“Lurgan Job Losses Concerning Amid Cost-of-Living Crisis” – Mc Causland

Aontú Upper Bann Rep Kieran Mc Causland has expressed his concern as news emerges of redundancies at a local business in Lurgan. 


Speaking today, Mr Mc Causland has said "I have learned that 192 people are to be made redundant at Americold here in Lurgan. This is very distressing news for families, given the spiralling Cost-of-Living crisis.  ". 


"While 50 of the 192 job losses are said to receive new contracts, this still puts pressure on families affected and leaves the majority out of work. It is my intention to contact Americold personally for clarification on these points and to see if anything can be done to save these jobs " concluded Mr Mc Causland




By Aontú Press | 25 February, 2023

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