Leza Houston to contest the Derg DEA in upcoming Local Election
Aontú have selected Leza Houston to contest the Derg DEA, West Tyrone in the upcoming Local Election. Leza is a working student, currently studying law in Ulster University. She lives in the Glebe with her four children and is currently expecting a fifth.
Mrs Houston said: “It's an honour to have been selected to run for Aontú in the Derg DEA. Aontú is the fastest growing political movement in Ireland north and south. It’s a movement that is dedicated to the Human Right to life of everyone, the unity of Ireland and economic justice for all in society. I believe in the traditional Republican vision that all the children of the nation should be cherished equally. Aontú is only four years old and yet we have won 55,000 votes in the last election, passing out long established parties such as People Before Profit. We have elected representatives now from Derry to Wexford and leader Peadar Tóibín TD has been to the fore in challenging the political establishments north and south".
Mrs Houston continued: "I am especially frustrated with what’s happening to my county of Tyrone. The Cost-of-Living crisis is hurting so many families. That people are going without food and heat while the political establishment are sitting on their hands in Stormont is not good enough. We are calling on MLAs to lose their salaries if they won't do their job. It would not be tolerated in any other walk of life. We are also calling for the end to the system where any one party can crash the Assembly over and over again or block the Assembly from functioning and we want to devolve economic power from London to Belfast so Stormont can actually help people here".
"Tyrone is not getting its fair share of jobs, transport infrastructure, housing and now we are being targeted by large mineral extracting companies who will leave nothing but damage behind them. I am a Human Rights activist and like many others I have been shocked that Sinn Féin and the SDLP no longer stand up for the human right to life of everyone. I am passionate about children’s rights and improving my community for children in this area. I am determined to work hard to improve the lives of everyone in this constituency", concluded Mrs Houston.