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Health Dept needs to get its act together on vaccine message

"Aontú Derry Councillor Emmet Doyle has expressed concern about contradictory messages from vaccine manufacturers and the NI Dept of Health on the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine if there is a prolonged gap after receiving the first jab.

Cllr Doyle said: “the NI Dept of Health has been consistently using social media in the last few days to tell us that there is no evidence of the Pfizer vaccine losing protection after 21 days without the second jab, where Pfizer, the manufacturer, are saying the direct opposite and that there is no data to suggest there is any protection after 21 days.

People are already confused because of the changing nature of guidance from the Executive, and now there is this concerning element of mixed messages on the gap between both Noah’s and how protection lasts in that period.

The Department of Health needs to get its act together and clear this message up as soon as possible”.

By Aontú Press | 6 January, 2021

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Respectful opposition is not the enemy. Respectful opposition is a critical element of a functional democracy. Aontú will have the backbone to stand up, without fear, for you.