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Hard pressed Commuters are spending thousands Every Year on M50 Toll we already own – Tóibín

Aontú leader and Meath West TD Peadar Tóibín has called on the Táiniste in the Dáil today to scrap or reduce The M50 toll. He stated;

“Hundreds of thousands of commuters are being forced to pay high motorway tolls every day. Many people are commuting up to three hours a day and they are paying thousands of euro in tolls to do so. There are 4 Tolls in County Meath. Someone living in Kells or Cavan and working in south Dublin can be hit for €3,600 a year just on tolls”.

“Aontú research has shown that Commuters have paid €1.2 billion in tolls on the M50 toll in just the last 9 years. Now this is a state-owned infrastructure and commuters have already more than paid for its construction. Our research has shown that people are being fined as much as €25,000 for not paying the toll. We have this ludicrous situation where people are paying fines costing more than the value of their car for travelling on a National Route that we already own”.

“The government often say that they can’t reduce the cost of living. When we pushed for a reduction in VAT on fuel the Government refused and said that at their hands are tied by the EU. But this is something the government can do. Given that so many people are suffering from the Cost of Living Crisis, we in Aontú have been looking at ways the cost burden of life can be lifted from people’s shoulders.  Thousands of commuters are finding it near impossible to put petrol and diesel into their cars. Well of hundred thousand workers are working full time in poverty. Its beyond time that the M50 toll is scrapped or reduced.




By Aontú Press | 26 May, 2022

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Respectful opposition is not the enemy. Respectful opposition is a critical element of a functional democracy. Aontú will have the backbone to stand up, without fear, for you.