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“Government Must Increase Funding to Legal Aid Scheme” – Tóibín

Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín has criticised poor Government investment into the Legal Aid Scheme.

Speaking today, Peadar Tóibín said “Access to representation is essential to justice under a fair legal system. However, Government underfunding of the Legal Aid Scheme is pricing barristers out of the field. Under the scheme, Barristers are paid fees of €25.50 for a remand, €50.40 for a plea in mitigation and €67.50 for a full trial hearing and all preparation. This is staggering when considering the amount of work that must go into preparation alone in a field that’s so essential for the delivery of justice.”

Tóibín continued “There is a stark difference between Ireland’s investment in legal aid in comparison to other jurisdictions. A 2018 report commissioned by the Department of Justice found that legal aid per capita in Ireland is €18.40 compared to €38.14 in England and €73.53 in the North of Ireland.”

“Our Justice system is riddled with crises from low investment in Legal aid to understaffed and under-resourced Gardaí. We’re seeing the tangible effects of this with a spiralling crime crisis. Successive Fine Gael Governments have deeply harmed the application of justice in Ireland. The Minister for Justice needs to stop fighting culture wars and focus on making Justice more accessible for people. Increasing investment into Legal Aid is an essential step in this.” Concluded Tóibín

By Aontú Press | 22 November, 2022

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