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Government Light Touch Regulation was 100% the Cause of the Mica Crisis. 100% Redress Need Now- Tóibín

Having met with MICA protestors at Leinster House, Aontú Leader and Meath West

TD Peadar Tóibín has stressed Aontú’s ironclad commitment to 100% redress for MICA



An Teachta Tóibín:


“After the government initially committing to 100% redress in the face of thousands protesting

outside the Convention Centre, that commitment has been thrown in to doubt. Its clear that the

Government are starting to drag the process out. Discussions were meant to be concluded in July.

Then the date was pushed to he end of September and now the Government are talking about

after the budget”.


“Its notable also that there is a campaign now to undermine the MICA families. Distractions about

the size of homes and outhouses are being added into the mix. What’s key here is the state implemented

light touch regulation in order to help their friends in the construction industry. These governments are

responsible. For what happened to these families. Now they are trying to wriggle out of their responsibilities”.  


“We have this crazy scenario where families have to escape a crumbling

house, move into emergency rental accommodation or in with friends and family, but still

have to make mortgage payments on a house that is fit to be condemned. We have hundreds

of families who have dont have the money necessary to carry out the survey of their home

before they can even apply for redress”.

By Aontú Press | 4 October, 2021

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