Government have taken far more aggressive policy against Church Services than any other country in the world except North Korea and Saudi Arabia
Becky Kealy, Aontú Representative for Cork North West has severely criticised the Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and Green Government for attacking the Human Rights of hundreds of thousands of parishioners under the new restrictions.
She stated; this Christmas well over 1 million people will not be able to attend Christmas Services. In parishes across the country less than a third of the normal Christmas capacity will be facilitated due to Government restrictions. Two days later Churches around the country will be completely shut again. This despite all retail and gyms being allowed to remain open. Despite 30,000 people flying into Ireland from Britain over Christmas without mandatory testing or tracking. This despite there being no evidence that Church Services are a location of real transmission.
Since the start of Covid-19, Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Greens have taken far more aggressive policy against Church Services than any other country in the world except North Korea and Saudi Arabia. Why is this? A decision such as this could have only be made if the government place less value on Church Services than any form of retail or training in a gym. Religious practice in Ireland has so many well documented benefits that will be lost when people need them the most. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that the practice of religion is a Human Right. The government’s decision is clearly without logic or respect for Human Rights and international law. We in Aontú are calling on the government to allow for the safe use of Churches around the country.