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“Government Failure to Allocation €600 Million of EU Agriculture and Fishing Funding” – Aontú

Aontú has condemned the failure of the Government to allocate €600 Million that was part of the Brexit Adjustment Fund


Speaking in the Dáil, Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín said “Taoiseach the Government received over €1billion from the EU under the Brexit Adjustment Fund. This was a fund set up to help those impacted by Britain leaving the EU. Apparently, despite the crisis affecting many in Agriculture and the damage done to the Irish fishing industry, the Government only managed to draw down €400 million of the €1 billion euro fund.”


Deputy Tóibín continued “The remaining €600 Million was never allocated. It goes without saying that the farming sector is suffering. Every year farmers leave the land. 1/3 of farmers are making a loss and another 1/3 of farmers are only making a living because someone in the household is working elsewhere off the land. The average salary of a beef farmer is €16,416. That's 1/12 of your own Salary Táiniste.”


“The Tánaiste Mícheál Martin responded to me stating that the government would do their best to spend the remaining money. But this remains to be seen. The government have a shocking record of making use of desperately needed funding”.   


The Aontú candidate for the Ireland South European constituency and well know Irish Fishing campaigner Patrick Murphy, said "The Brexit Adjustment Reserve fund was to mitigate the impact of Brexit on those most affected. The absolute failure to allocate the funds to those who are suffering from the fallout of Brexit is a disgraceful reflection on the government and the department. It is terrible that the hard work that was put in by industry during the Minister’s task force has now led to the Minster deciding that this money is not needed in our industry. This is despite the fact that many are leaving the fishing and agricultural sector with huge debts. This is a slap in the face to those suffering right across our country"



By Aontú Press | 3 March, 2023

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