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GEMMA BROLLY: From a clap at the door to a slap in the face, our healthcare workers deserve better!

East Derry Representative Gemma Brolly encourages the Department of Health to reconsider their insulting pay increase offer and consider the future of our health service.


Rep. Brolly stated: “It is shocking to think that a year ago the government were encouraging the nations to stand on their doorsteps and applaud the tireless efforts of our wonderful NHS and yet, here we are, with the very same efforts from the very same workers awaiting a very much deserved and long overdue pay rise only to receive a scrappy 3% offer. England and Wales have of course already received their offers of 3% while unions consult with their members on their response. Scotland’s health care workers are in dispute as they have rejected 4%. How can our government, having already observed all of this come late to the table with a sickly 3%?”


“What adds to insult is the fact the Royal College of Nursing had been calling for 12.5% increase and Unison for a flat rate increase of £2000, yet with this is mind, our government offers less than one quarter of this request. Moreover, Mr Swann has made it very clear, the budget only allows for 2% with the Treasury pointing out there will be NO additional funding available and Mr Swann advising while he will attempt to gather the other 1%, this will require reprioritisation. Not forgetting, all this on top of years of pay freezes, pay freezes which consequentially resulted in in-house cuts, severe workload and serious mental health pressures which our healthcare workers have endured.”


“The Department of Health led by Mr Swann simply cannot be serious. Aontú urge this department, as well as the Treasury to urgently reconsider their offer. Not only are you shrugging off the huge efforts of our health care workers, but you are condemning the future of healthcare professions, hand in hand with the future of the NHS. Numbers of staff leaving the sector continue to climb, as a result of poor pay, lack of career progression and intolerable working conditions. It’s time to climb down from the ‘top table,’ look our NHS employees in the face and make them a respectful offer which secures the future of health care in the North.”



By Aontú Press | 17 August, 2021

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The Irish political system is radically broken

In Ireland the vast majority of elected representatives put a finger in the air to check which way the political wind is blowing. They have one eye on their leaders – seeking brownie points – and another eye keeping their seat safe. If elected reps shut up and do as they’re told, they are promoted; if they stand up for what they believe in, they are demoted. No wonder we have the political class we have. No wonder one point one billion euro is being buried in a hole under the National Children’s Hospital and that Stormont is in stalemate.

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