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"Fourteen Thousand Euro Spent on Security Gate for Construction of Security Hut" - Tóibín

According to a reply issued from the Department of Public Expenditure today to the Aontú Leader Peadar Tóibín TD, €13,940 was spent on a "temporary fully operational security solution" while the €1.4 million security hut was being built on the ground of Leinster House / the Department of Finance. 


Speaking today, Deputy Tóibín said: "The gate which was installed in Leinster House for the duration of the construction of the security hut was extremely expensive - coming in at €14,000. Not only this but it was incredibly flawed - one a person exited the turnstile with their fob, nobody could enter in the opposite direction for a period of a few minutes. In some cases this delayed TDs from getting to Dáil votes on time. Many TDs were frustrated by this and I suspect this may be part of the reason why the gate was removed so quickly". 


Deputy Tóibín continued: "I am frustrated that it took the Minister three weeks to respond to my parliamentary question, and that I've only received a response after I took to social media complaining about the delay. I imagine the reason why they were slow to respond is because the answer to this question would have revealed the fact that monies were spent on the security hut". 


"The security hut cost €1.4 million euro. It’s amazing to think that another solution - a turnstile gate - was not considered as an permanent alternative to the hut. The gate they purchased was far too expensive. The OPW, overseen by two Fine Gael Ministers, is incinerating tax-payer money, for the sake of gimmicks for TDs. It is absolutely outrageous and politicians must be held to account during the election campaign over the waste of public money. I understand the fancy roof of the security hut is causing issues for trucks reversing onto the complex. I wouldn't be surprised if they have to remove the whole thing again to allow proper access - and how much will that cost? I wouldn't trust this government to build a hen house!" concluded Tóibín. 

By Aontú Press | 30 September, 2024

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