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Create a Register of Teachers who are Willing to Return to Special Education Schools – Tóibín

Aontú Leader and Meath West TD Peadar Tóibín has called on the Minister for Education to create a Register of Teachers who are willing and able to return to teaching students with additional needs. He stated;

“The Taoiseach stated in the Dáil today that we want opposition parties to provide practical solutions to the impasse that has paralysed the Special Education system. Well I have received communications from a number of teachers who want to and are in a position to return to work in Special Education Schools now. They have told me that there are others who have weighted up the risks and benefits and have decided that it is something that they wish to do. This message is being lost in the antagonistic battle between the Minister for Education and the Unions”.

“A register of these teachers state-wide, countywide or even in schools could be a starting point. If two teachers per school returned it would allow up to 4 of the most vulnerable students to gain access to vital and much needed education. Families are in crisis due to the collapse of education provision for children with additional needs. We must do what we can to solve this now”.

By Aontú Press | 20 January, 2021

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Throughout Ireland, many people are now afraid to say what they feel, many are afraid to respectfully engage on a range of different topics. Many feel there is a new censorship and a new political correctness in Ireland, that opposition to the establishment is being deleted.

Respectful opposition is not the enemy. Respectful opposition is a critical element of a functional democracy. Aontú will have the backbone to stand up, without fear, for you.