Cork has the Second Lowest Number of Local Authority Houses in the State
Figures obtained by Aontú have shown that Cork has the 2nd lowest number of Local Authority homes in the state. Aontú Rep for Cork North West, Becky Kealy stated:
“This is shocking. There are over 4,000 people on Local Authority waiting lists in Cork at the moment and yet Cork has the lowest number of Local Authority Homes in the state, Aontú has extrapolated figures from the National Oversight and Audit Commission. Its extraordinary but counties such as Longford, Louth and Waterford have twice the number of Local Authority homes per capita than Cork. Indeed, out of the 26 counties of the state 24 are doing better in terms of the provision of social housing.”
“While this is shocking its not surprising. Research that Aontú carried out previously has shown that Cork is at or near the bottom of practically every investment indicator in the country. Our local authority has one of the lowest investments levels in the state. Our mental health services are one of the lowest in the state. That at a time of massive housing need and spiralling rental costs which is forcing people into homelessness and out of the county the FF/FG/Green government is presiding over a a disastrously low investment in Local Authority Houses in Cork. This is especially frustrating given the at least 3,000 empty houses are sitting vacant across the county. Aontú is calling for an immediate tax on vacant homes and sites in the country. We are calling on Cork County and City Councils to issue CPOs on empty and derelict homes. Aontú is calling on the government to provide a grant to help people get these vacant homes into use. We seek a rent cap now and for the government to increase the funding of social housing in the country to bring it up to at least the state average.”