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Cllr Emmet Doyle: Time to Play Hardball With Energy Regulator Over Rises

Aontú Stormont candidate for Foyle Cllr Emmet Doyle has welcomed agreement at Derry City and Strabane District Council on his proposal to explore legal avenues against the Energy Regulator to protect citizens against continuing energy price rises

Cllr Doyle:
“I welcome the fact that Council unanimously backed my call to look to the courts as to how we end these callous price rises for gas in particular.

The Energy Regulator have a statutory duty to protect customers on price and quality of service they provide and I am clear they haven’t done that by approving time and again, rises which people can’t afford.

I am sick of seeing my constituents having to make abhorrent choices for themselves and their families due to these price rises and they must stop.

I’ve said many times that we need to do everything and anything to protect people and this is the latest manifestation of my determination that we do that.

We will now as a Council seek expert legal advice as to how we can move forward and ultimately I want to see the Regulator forced to undo the approvals it has made on price rises and let companies like Firmus - whose parent firm is in the black to the tune of billions - absorb the cost.

I’ll keep fighting for people right across Foyle with every idea and resource we have, people need support.”

By Aontú Press | 19 April, 2022

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