CLLR DENISE MULLEN: Aontú Seeking Legal Advice to Protect the Good Friday Agreement and to Stop Westminster/SF Abortion Push
Aontú Deputy Leader & Cllr for Mid Ulster, Denise Mullen, has criticised the planned intervention by Northern Secretary Brandon Lewis to strong arm the North into implementing and enforcing British Abortion law.
Cllr Denise Mullen:
“From the outset, the imposition of abortion on the North by Westminster has been undemocratic and in complete violation of the Good Friday Agreement. This imposition was facilitated by both Sinn Féin and the SDLP. Attempts to impose radical abortion regimes on the North have been met with fierce resistance from every corner of society. In recent days, an amendment to outlaw disability-based abortions has passed the second stage in Stormont”.
“Now, in an effort to bypass Stormont, Irish self-determination, devolution and to violate the GFA, the Northern Secretary plans to pass new regulations in Westminster so he can force the Northern Health Department to expand abortion services. SF have been working hand in hand with Westminster in this circumvention of Irish democracy. They have binned 200 years of Republic ideals of Self Determination in doing so.
We in Aontú have been speaking to our legal representatives to seek a legal route to protect devolution, the Good Friday Agreement and the lives of the weakest amongst us.”