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“Children will go Hungry over Government Decision on Food Vouchers” – Brolly

Aontú Deputy Leader and East Derry candidate Gemma Brolly has said that the latest decision that government funding cannot support our most vulnerable during the school holidays is another example of how the needs of the most vulnerable are being ignored.



Speaking today, Ms Brolly, herself a school teacher and special needs coordinator, said:


“Free school meals support families during school time, these families do not suddenly cease to  require support during school holidays. I find it very distressing that England, Scotland and Wales will have voucher schemes throughout the summer holidays, yet here in the North many children will go without”.


Ms Brolly continued: “I was the youth president of Saint Vincent De Paul for many years, so I’m familiar with these issues. The summer holidays are an economic pinch point for young families, as mother and father try to save for the price of schoolbooks and uniforms, often while simultaneously battling the cost of childcare”


“The Department of Education have stated they recognised this decision not to provide food vouchers has been disappointing but that in the present financial context difficult decisions must be made. To hit the most vulnerable with these cuts time and time again is almost criminal. This is a hot topic on the doors at the moment, this is only the first day of the summer holidays and already I have heard from so many mothers about back-to-school costs. I don’t care what difficult cuts must be made – children’s food should not first cut on the agenda. Westminster cannot turn its’ back on the families of the North who they claim to represent, they must enable our own government to do better”, concluded Ms Brolly. 


By Aontú Press | 2 July, 2024

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