Aontú Representative for the Trim Area Jack Lynch joins with Aontú Cllr. Sarah O’Reilly in Cavan to condemn the latest attacks on rural Ireland
Jack Lynch says that:
“The heart of rural communities is being ripped out with Covid-19 restrictions that do not help stop the spread of the virus. Country sports such as hunting and fishing have been banned and churches have been forced to keep their doors shut without considering the devastating impact that this is having on small rural communities around the country.”
“I cannot think of a more socially distanced place to be than down the fields with your dog watching her work as she catches the scent of a pheasant. You are totally isolated from the world and even if two people are hunting together, they are out in the fresh air and can put as many acres between each other as is needed. In my own parish there are two active Gun Clubs where hunting has been a way of life for generations.”
“People all across rural Ireland look forward all year to the three month period during the winter months when they can get out with their dog and hunt game birds. In the darkest months of the year this is a vital way of looking after peoples mental health. The joy of seeing your dog in the field is something that’s hard to describe. I am at a loss to see how hunting and fishing are banned and fully contact sports are continuing to be allowed. While we support the fact that the GAA are still operating at a county level, I cannot see how the mostly solitary pursuit of hunting and fishing are banned. This is another senseless attack on country sports.”
“Churches too have done everything that is necessary to ensure that people can socially distance and be safe while attending mass. Not one single cluster of cases has been linked to mass or churches in Ireland yet the Government continue to impose this ban. The four Catholic Archbishops of Ireland met with the Taoiseach in the last few days and have called for the reopening of the churches. We in Aontú join with the Archbishops in calling for the reopening of the churches now.”