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Aontú opposes pension age increase – Tóibín


Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín has reiterated Aontú’s opposition to Fine Gael’s attack on pensioners.



Fine Gael plans to increase the state pension age to 67 in 2021 and to 68 in 2028. This policy was initiated during the Fine Gael-Labour government that first increased the pension age to 66 in 2014



An Teachta Tóibín stated:



“Aontú opposes the continuation of policies that makes people servants of Fine Gael’s economy for an even longer period of time. Fine Gael’s pension plans show no regard for decades-long hard work that people have given.



“The sneaky approach to increase the pension age by stealth must be faced down. If Fine Gael has their way the pension age will be increased yet again next January. This represents another attack on citizens’ living standards.



“Fianna Fáil must also be held responsible for their shameful approach towards state pensions. In 2010, Michéal Martin’s party acquiesced to EU demands and took €18 billion from the national pension fund to shore-up the banking industry.



“Neither Fine Gael nor Fianna Fáil can be trusted with the interests of elderly citizens or citizens who will be in need of a pension in the future.



“Aontú is committed to everyone living a life with dignity. That means that people should not be compelled to work for an increasing number of years. It ought to be the case that life becomes more liveable after every generation. But, that is not so. Instead, future generations will be forced to work for many more years to service Fine Gael-Fianna Fáil’s economy.



“Aontú will resist every effort to increase the pension age from 66. There comes a time in everyone’s life when they should be allowed to fully enjoy the years that are left. If people want to continue to work, that should be allowed. But, the race to the bottom in terms of obligatory extension of the pension age for all cannot be tolerated."


By Aontú Press | 21 January, 2020

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