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Aontú Chorcaí Selects Becky Kealy As Its Kanturk Area Representative

Aontú Chorcaí has announced that it has selected Becky Kealy as its Kanturk Area Representative. Becky Kealy is from Kanturk, Co Cork. Becky is in her late 20's and has been a member of Aontú with the past year. She believes passionately that things can be improved in our beautiful county of Cork. She stated “Cork has so much potential as a county under the right leadership and guidance. I joined Aontú because I believe that all other established parties in this country have lost touch with ordinary people – the grassroots of Ireland”.

“This week marks the beginning of “a new government” but really there is nothing new to be seen here. After the last four years of courtship between Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael their marriage has finally taken place. Nothing separates them now. They are bonded together by a programme for government that has neglected and forgotten huge portions of our island.

There has not been a single minister appointed to the North West, West, West Midlands or the South East of this country”. “Our new government cant seem to see that there is life beyond the M50. Rural Ireland is being left behind and is emptying of its young people. There are absolutely no resources or services for our young people in many parts of Cork North West. The youth are struggling to see a future here. The eldery are afraid to go outside their doors due to the rise in violence and anti-social behaviour as a result of the knock on effect of our youth being neglected and forgotten about. I am not even sure if the government realises all of this”

“Young people like myself are also facing incredible challenges as we try and make an independent start in life. Rent and the cost of insuring a car are massive issues and Aontú have been to the fore in raising the issue of the insurance crisis that this country is facing. That is why I am working to try and build a youth movement within Aontú across County Cork. Ógra Aontú will be a voice for young people who like me, feel left out by the old established parties”.

“Farming is under attack. The FF/FG government have allowed a completely dysfunctional market to
exist. A small number of factories and supermarket multiples make millions of profit, while farmers bring cattle to the factory gates at a loss. The hardships experienced by the beef sector are a foreshadow of the treatment the rest of the agriculture community have before them. Aontú will not tolerate the rundown of rural Ireland.”

“The Kanturk LEA covers the area from Charleville to Kilcorney, and from Kilbrin to Ballydesmond and the surrounding townlands inbetween. We dont have an office but one can contact us by Phone Monday to Friday and you will find me on YouTube, my channel name is 'Becky Kealy Aontú’. My Aontú work phone number is 089-4678436”.

By Aontú Press | 9 July, 2020

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The Irish political system is radically broken

In Ireland the vast majority of elected representatives put a finger in the air to check which way the political wind is blowing. They have one eye on their leaders – seeking brownie points – and another eye keeping their seat safe. If elected reps shut up and do as they’re told, they are promoted; if they stand up for what they believe in, they are demoted. No wonder we have the political class we have. No wonder one point one billion euro is being buried in a hole under the National Children’s Hospital and that Stormont is in stalemate.

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Respectful opposition is not the enemy. Respectful opposition is a critical element of a functional democracy. Aontú will have the backbone to stand up, without fear, for you.