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7 Aontú Candidates to Contest the Norths Decemeber election

Speaking after nominations closed for candidates for the elections in the north of Ireland, Aontú leader Peadar Tóibín stated:

"Aontú is proud to announce that we have selected 7 candidates to contest our first General Election in the north of Ireland.

"Dr Anne McCloskey will stand for Aontú in Foyle; Dr Seán McNicholl will contest East Derry; James Hope will contest West Tyrone; Paul Brady will stand in South Down; Monica Digney will fight for a seat in West Belfast; Chris McHugh will stand in South Belfast and Martin Kelly will represent Aontú in Newry & Armagh.

"Aontú is a new all-Ireland movement. We are a people-powered, grassroots organisation that is growing in every county in Ireland. We are only 10 months old, yet thousands of people have joined us. We seek a united Ireland, built on economic justice where Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter can flourish and prosper together.

"Aontú is the only all-Ireland party that supports the right to life of everyone in society. We will fight to ensure that every life is protected and that every mother and father has the economic confidence to raise their children and live life to the full.

"300,000 people are in poverty. 36,000 people received food parcels last year. 20,000 households are homeless. Suicide rates are sky high and mental health services lack investment. Income for Farmers is collapsing. The economy of the north is in decline. Our creaking health service is being held together by nurses and staff who are underpaid.

"Brexit has shown in flashing neon lights the damage done to Ireland by London Rule. Allowing Tories in Westminster, who know nothing about Ireland and care even less, to impose Brexit on the north is a threat to our national interests.

"Crises of this scale demand a huge political response. But what have we got to date; Deadlock, stalemate and Stormont shuttered for over 1,000 days. Yet we are being asked to vote for the same political cartel which simply embeds stalemate and deadlock into the political system.

"100 years ago Irish MPs, north and south refused to attend Westminster. However, they didn’t stand idly by like Sinn Féin MPs do today. They went to Dublin and founded our National Parliament and gave representation to the all of the people.

"Each Aontú MP elected will go to Dublin and demand the right to represent their constituency in Leinster House. Aontú is bringing a bill to the Dáil to achieve Oireachtas representation for people in the north.  Aontú seeks to break the deadlock. We seek a new all-Ireland beginning where the bread and butter concerns of real citizens are not pushed to the side by well-paid politicians.

"We seek a New Ireland Forum made up of all civic and political views in Ireland to work together in partnership to tackle the damage of Brexit, to build the all-Ireland economy and start to plan now for Irish Unity. This is a once in a generation opportunity to change for the better. Vótáil Aontú."


By Aontú Press | 14 November, 2019

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